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문제555 11.4 A.O B. for them to enjoy=>(that ) they enjoy~ C. O D. O E.for you to be grateful=>(that) you will be grateful for F. get him give up=>get him to give up G. O 12.1.4 2) to prepare=>prepared 3) to...
032 555 2961 무슨 번호임???
053 555 2961 무슨 번호임?????? [국제발신]정**님 [해외물류구매]합계대금:749,600원통관code:[39**]고객문의:032-555-2961 저두 조금전에 문자받었어요. 032 555 2961 문의걸면 왠지 보이피싱 당할거같어서 바로 차단했습니다....
문제555 1.as 2. had the pianist 3. last 4. good 5. ever 6.no more than 7.as good as 8. no sooner than 9. the last man 10. not so much 11. last=>the last 12. at the last=>at least 13.rather than=>as 14. He had...
문제555 11. much more than 12.as soon as/ could 13.less/ more 14.much=>many 15.little=>less 16.far=>farther 17.twice more/ than 18. as famous a violinist as 19.much more effectively than 20. less expensive /than
문제555 1.in order not to 2. To learn 3. so as to buy 4. only to find out 5. to move 6. to find 7. to save 8. in order to keep up with 9. to see 10. to know 11. in order =>only 12. so that=>in order 13. so as...
트랜지스터 스위치,555 ic
... 555 ic랑 트랜지스터 이용하면 된다고 해서 생각해봤는데 이해가 안가는 부분이 있어서요.. 555 ic에... 555 ic랑 트랜지스터 이용하면 된다고 해서 생각해봤는데 이해가 안가는 부분이 있어서요.. 555 ic에...
문제555 26.3. 상점은 주말에도 이용할수 있다 27.4. 참가자격에 제한을 두고 있다
문제555 1. watching 2. Listening 3. Looking 4. Written 5. Taking 6. getting 7. Interested 8. Feeling 9. Being 10. Eating 11. Going 12. Arriving 13. Shouting 14. Tired 1. 분사 2. 동명사 3. 분사 4. 분사 5. 분사 6....
문제555 38.3. L6. He lived ~~by three. 39.4. 인간의 폭력적인 성향은 후천적으로 형성된다 L4. Violence is no exception. Extensive research~~to become violent.
문제555 14.3 15.4 16. 1) excited=>exciting 2) embarrassed=>embarrassing 17 1) hard=>hardly 2) can't Mary=>can Mary 18 1) lately 2) directly 3) logical 19. always meets her friends at a coffee shop 20.
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